Pocket your Energy Savings Activity TipsThis activity appears in the section Use Energy Efficiently. The Pocket Your Energy Savings activity asks students to implement a home energy saving program for three months and track actual savings on energy bills. The objective of this activity is to make students aware that people pay for the energy they use, and that this usage can be reduced with some simple energy conservation measures. Please note: If students have moved recently, this activity will not be successful. Also, some parents may be reluctant to send to school personal information such as that found on utility bills. Teachers will need to assess the possibilities for success with this activity before assigning it to all students. Utility Bill Analysis Ask students to bring their utility bills to class so you can help them with the analysis part of the activity. Make sure students are comparing actual energy used, not dollar costs. Help them look for these totals, which will show up in kWh used. Results Some students may find that despite their energy conservation efforts they were not able to reduce household energy use compared to last year. Solving this mystery will take some detective work:
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