Home Water InspectionPrint
Is your household doing as much as it can
to help save water? |
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Yes Not Yet | |
1. Do you keep your shower to 5 minutes or less, or take half-full baths? |
2. Do you collect and reuse water when you can, such as when waiting for shower or sink water to heat up? |
3. Do you turn the water off when brushing your teeth and soaping your hands? |
4. Do you run the dishwasher only when it’s full, and use the short cycle? |
5. Do you flush the toilet only when necessary, and not use it as a trash can? |
6. Have you installed water-saving fixtures such as low-flow toilets, faucets, and showerheads? |
7. Do you wash clothes in cold water, do only full loads, and use the short cycle? |
8. Do you fix all leaks as soon as you notice them? |
9. Do you keep a pitcher of water in the fridge instead of running the tap to get cold drinking water? |
10. Do you wash fruits/vegetables in a partially filled sink and then rinse quickly under the tap? |
11. Do you wash your car either at a public wash or by using a shutoff nozzle on your hose to limit water waste? |
12. Do you limit outdoor water use by not overwatering lawns? |
13. Do you sweep driveways or sidewalks instead of hosing them down? |